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This essay was originally written in Chinese. An AI-generated English translation is available underneath.

2012~2013 学年第一学期期末考试


课程代码: CHIN130106.01
开课院系: 中文系 (普通进修生)

考试形式: 课程论文
姓名:齐冉Kieran Maynard


[The Concept of Time in Eileen Chang's Love in a Fallen City]





简要 Abstract


In Eileen Chang's short story “Love in a Fallen City,” the concept of “time” is a central theme. Through the character of Bai Liusu, Chang raises the question that it is perhaps our perceptions that determine the flow of time, which Zhang presents as a fluid entity. A careful analysis will reveal that through the use of narrative, plot, and metaphor, Chang presents a concept of time that is not linear, but in flux, one that cannot be separated from human perception. This paper argues that Eileen Chang's early short stories have a “philosophical awareness” that transcends time, so time is an important element. “Love in a Fallen City” raises philosophical questions about time, or posed in terms of time, that relate to deeper existential issues relating to human experience. If there exist different kinds of time, how can we know which sort of time is real, and which is perceptual? The short story does not answer these questions, but leaves them for the reader to ponder.


张爱玲早期的小说《倾城之恋》中,“时间”是一个关键的主题。小说写的是一对男女从情人变成夫妻的过程,而这过程是由一段战争的经历成全的。小说中,“时间”决定了许多事情的结果,但是对时间的感知是通过人类的思维而完成的 。通过主人公白流苏,张爱玲提出了一个问题:思维决定了时间的流动。 小说中,时间具有流动性: 它不是一步一步的往前走,而是时而迂回,时而疾行。 通过仔细的分析能够看到,张爱玲使用叙述,情节,以及比喻而提供了一种独特的“时间观”。这样一种非线性的时间观是与人类的感知分不开的。

《倾城之恋》的第一行表明了小说中“时间”的重要性:“上海为了'节省天光',将所有的时钟都拨快了一个小时,然而白公馆里说:'我们用的是老钟'。他们的十点钟是人家的十一点。他们唱歌唱走了板,跟不上生命的胡琴”。主人公白流苏生活在一个大家庭里,一共有二十口多人,他们无论在外表还是内在都是过了时的。 因为她跟他们在一起太久(离婚七八年来),她的家人厌倦她了。她因为已经离婚而拒绝为去世的前夫奔丧时, 他哥哥说:“法律呀,今天改,明天改,我这天理人情,三纲五常,可是改不了的!” 他的言辞里存在着在高于法律的人情规则,因为这些规则(与法律不同)永远不变。但流苏拒绝接受他的论调。
在白公馆,有一些东西是用“年”数的。流苏的母亲说:“卖一次田,还够两年吃的”。想到自己的死,她母亲也说:“天下没有不散的筵席,你跟着我,总不是长久之计”。 对她而言,人生就是得熬过去的几十年。 随后, 流苏幻想,“恍惚又是多年前,她还只十来岁的时候,看了戏出来,在倾盆大雨中和家里人挤散了。她独自站在人行道上,瞪着眼看人,人也瞪着眼看她,隔着雨淋淋的车窗,隔着一层无形的玻璃罩——无数的陌生人。人人都关在他们自己的小世界里,她撞破了头也撞不进去”。 有无形边界的不同世界是这部小说另外一个主题。这里,时间的无形边界分离了幼年与成人的流苏——儿时是不知家庭凄凉生活的少女,成年以后身陷其中而无法自拔。 成人的流苏对时间特别敏感,她即将迈入三十岁大关,害怕再婚的机会会消失。 幸好她有“那一类的娇小的身躯是最不显老的一种”。 和流苏逐渐变老的身体一样,白公馆人的身份随着年龄而变。流苏的母亲指着女儿宝络说她“真是我心上一个疙瘩”,因为她到二十四岁还没有结婚。如果不遵循所谓正确的时间轨迹行事,那么孩子长大以后就是累赘。
《倾城之恋》里有一段以白公馆的时间为参照解释了白公馆与时间本体的关系。 :


停了多年的自鸣钟象征着整个的白公馆,正如“神仙的洞府”,里面时间流动的速度与外界不同。 后来,流苏这样说白公馆: “还是那样的好,初次瞧见,再坏些,再脏些,是你外面的人,你外面的东西。你若是混在那里头长大了,你怎么分得清,哪一部份是他们,哪一部份是你自己?”自鸣钟的坏机括就是所谓“天理”,本应创造和谐家庭,结果反而造就了颓败的白公馆。对联的朱红颜色对应着生于白公馆的孩子的“红嫩的嘴”,花团的金色对应着他们的眼睛,可是寿字的“墨汁淋漓”隐喻着孩子凄凉的家庭情况。一个寿字成为一种讽刺,所以它浮在纸上面,脱离了象征青春的花。小说直接描写了这个寿字与流苏的相似性,她们都是一样“虚飘飘”而且“不落实的”。脱离了它原本的位置,一个汉字就失去了它的意义,好像流苏离婚后而发现她的家颓败不堪的时候,她人生就失去了意义(胡兰成1944年)。正如在看电影的时候,“脸上出了油,胭脂花粉褪了色”,时间的流动会揭示事情的真相。


流苏用关于时间的词语描写她自己和柳原。柳原她说是一个“新派”的人,她自己她说“不过是一个过了时的人罢了”。这可能是因为,跟她以后说的一样,她分辨不清什么是白公馆的情况,什么是她自己的。柳原反驳她的说法,但对自己的认知却也关于时间。他说他自己是一个“中国化的外国人”,然后流苏是一个“真正的中国女人”,所以她“永远不会过了时 ”。小说中,柳原有一些地方提起高于人类生命的时间,譬如,“我一辈子都爱你”,“我永远和你在一起”,“我们一生一世都别离开”,以及“地老天荒”。 虽然这些属于他调情时的“俏皮话”,所以不一定表示他的真情,它们与流苏的内心叙述里的比较实用(或者微观) 的时间观有个反差,譬如,“一个秋天,她已经老了两年——她可禁不起老!”以及“没有婚姻的保障而要长期的抓住一个男人,是一件艰难的,痛苦的事,几乎是不可能的”。柳原仿佛明白这一点,所以他才说,“根本你以为婚姻就是长期的卖淫”。
以上的段落暗示着此后香港沦陷后的一个段落:“在这动荡的世界里,钱财,地产,天长地久的一切,全不可靠了。靠得住的只有她腔子里的这口气,还有睡在她身边的这个人。她突然爬到柳原身边,隔着他的棉被,拥抱着他。他从被窝里伸出手来握住她的手。他们把彼此看得透明透亮,仅仅是一刹那的彻底的谅解,然而这一刹那够他们在一起和谐地活个十年八年”。所有的所谓“天长地久”的东西其实没有“长性”,因为它们随着时间改变而湮灭。这个地方跟小说中此前的“年”,“一辈子”那种长期的时间表现有反差。在战争的时期,有一些地方用“一刹那”另一种短期的单词描写一个瞬间所含有的感情 ,譬如以上的段落,以及浅水湾酒店遭遇袭击的时候。此时,“在这一刹那,她只有他,他也只有她”。之前,柳原的“地老天荒那一类的话”含有这一句:“有一天,我们的文明整个的毁掉了,什么都完了——烧完了,炸完了,坍完了”。他说在那天,“也许我会对你有一点真心”。所谓文明本身既不是“天长地久”的,而其实是随着时间而毁灭的人类生存方式的一部分。重要的是,按照柳原的理论,只要文明毁掉,他对她的爱人才会有“真心”。这里含有一个人类在现代社会中对于真心的希望,而暗指一个高于时间的“真心”的存在。(刘再复)


临近小说的末尾,叙述者质问“因果”的本质:“香港的陷落成全了她。但是在这不可理喻的世界里,谁知道什么是因,什么是果?谁知道呢,也许就因为要成全她,一个大都市倾覆了”。 正如柳原文明末日的理论,这一句是对于因果本质以及知识本质的质问。没有一个人能够明确地知道一件事必定是另一件事的原因,而后者是其结果,甚至于所谓明确的案例。虽然小说没有直接说,此逻辑能够延伸到时间的感知这个范畴上。如果人类不明白因果的本质,那么怎能证明是否存在着自身之外的时间?怎能证明人类感觉时间的流动是因为时间本身在流动,而不是因为感觉时间在流动,时间才开始流动?小说的第一行介绍一个家庭在生活于一个与上海的其他人不同的时间。一方面,白公馆是落后的。另一方面,小说对于白公馆以外的上海并没有描绘。小说的第一行提出这样一个疑问:谁知什么“时间”是真实的? 在自鸣钟和“洞府”的描写中,内在的时间与外在的时间有一个极端的边界。最后,叙述者暗示地提出一样的疑问。 有可能,物质世界的因素决定我们的意识。可是有可能这个共同的道理,在某一些或者所有的情况下则是相反的,是人类感知本身决定外界的一切。


文学批评家夏志清曾经写过,张爱玲“有强烈的历史意识,她认识过去如何影响着现在”(夏志清1999年)。他认为张爱玲的“历史意识”是她作品中最重要的因素之一。不过,我更认同刘再复的观点。他反驳了夏志清的理论。刘再复认为《倾城之恋》以及其他早期小说的“哲学意识”更为重要。与夏志清的理论相反,他认为张爱玲的作品其实超越历史意识,在其作品中,“真假,善恶,因果,是非这些概念没有关系,正如在《红楼梦》中不寻常的世界里”(“notions of truth and falsity, good and evil, cause and effect and right and wrong are irrelevant, just as they are in the remarkable world of Dream of the Red Chamber”——刘再复2000年,本文为英文,中文是我的翻译)。 他认为张爱玲超越历史意识的原因之一是因为她“描写存在于每个时代的事情,所谓永恒的主题。拒绝做那个时代的纪念品是因为它超越当时特定的历史阶段”(“wrote about things that exist throughout history, namely, eternal subjects that refuse to be monuments to their times because they transcend their specific historical period”——刘再复2000年,本文为英文,中文是我的翻译)
《倾城之恋》中的具体例子是其中的战争的名称只是“战争”,而且小说也没有说谁是敌人。(按照小说中“一九四一年十二月七日”的记载,袭击者是第二次世界大战的日本帝国军队)。 当时的其他作家应该会将其战争称为“抗日战争”之类。不过,在此小说中,谁与谁打仗这些细节毫无关系。重要的是哲学性问题,譬如人生的意义。因此,《倾城之恋》在艺术上是一个“传奇”。 临近最后有一句:“传奇里的倾城倾国的人大抵如此。处处都是传奇,可不见得有这么圆满的收场”,而且此小说曾经收集于小说集《传奇》中。题目有“倾城”两个字暗示着其内容类似于传奇。虽然主人公是平凡的人物,但是我认同刘再复的看法:在当代社会中平凡的人物适合传奇的主人公角色。(刘再复2000年)小说本体超越时代。




夏志清:"第十五章 张爱玲",《中国现代小说史》,刘绍铭译,香港中文大学出版社2001年
Hsia, Chih-tsing 夏志清. "Chapter 15: Eileen Chang." A History of Modern Chinese Fiction. 3rd ed. Indiana UP, 1999. Google Books. Web. 30 Dec. 2012.
Liu, Zaifu 刘再复. "Eileen Chang's Fiction and C. T. Hsia's A History of Modern Chinese Fiction." Trans. Yunzhong Shu. Lecture. Lingnan University, Hong Kong. 2000. 邊渡, 05 Jan. 2012. Web. 30 Dec. 2012. <>.
"Online Character Counter." 4 Mar. 2009. Web. 30 Dec. 2012.

AI-generated English translation (model: Gemini 2.0 Pro Experimental 02-05)

Department of Chinese Language and Literature, Fudan University

Final Examination, First Semester, Academic Year 2012-2013

Course Title: Studies on Eileen Chang (Zhang Ailing)

Course Code: CHIN130106.01

Department Offering the Course: Department of Chinese Language and Literature (Open to General Visiting Students)

Examination Format: Research Paper

Student Name: Qi Ran (Kieran Maynard)

Major: Chinese Language and Literature

Paper Title: The Concept of Time in Eileen Chang's Love in a Fallen City

The Concept of Time in Eileen Chang's Love in a Fallen City

Keywords: Concept of time, human perception, causality, philosophical awareness

Table of Contents


In Eileen Chang's short story "Love in a Fallen City," the concept of "time" is a central theme. Through the character of Bai Liusu, Chang raises the question of whether it is our perceptions that determine the flow of time, which Zhang presents as a fluid entity. A careful analysis will reveal that through the use of narrative, plot, and metaphor, Chang presents a concept of time that is not linear, but in flux, one that cannot be separated from human perception. This paper argues that Eileen Chang's early short stories have a "philosophical awareness" that transcends time, so time is an important element. "Love in a Fallen City" raises philosophical questions about time, or posed in terms of time, that relate to deeper existential issues relating to human experience. If there exist different kinds of time, how can we know which sort of time is real, and which is perceptual? The short story does not answer these questions, but leaves them for the reader to ponder.

I. Time and the Bai Mansion

In Eileen Chang's early short story "Love in a Fallen City," "time" is a key theme. The story depicts the process of a man and a woman transforming from lovers to a married couple, a process facilitated by a wartime experience. In the story, "time" determines the outcome of many events, but the perception of time is accomplished through human thought. Through the protagonist Bai Liusu, Eileen Chang poses a question: does thought determine the flow of time? In the novel, time is fluid: it does not progress step by step, but sometimes meanders and sometimes rushes forward. Through careful analysis, it can be seen that Eileen Chang uses narration, plot, and metaphor to provide a unique "concept of time." This non-linear concept of time is inseparable from human perception.

The first line of "Love in a Fallen City" indicates the importance of "time" in the story: "Shanghai, in order to 'save daylight,' had moved all the clocks forward by one hour, but in the Bai Mansion, they said: 'We use the old clock.' Their ten o'clock was other people's eleven. Their singing was off-beat, unable to keep up with the huqin of life" (Chang). The protagonist Bai Liusu lives in a large family of more than twenty people, who are outdated both outwardly and inwardly. Because she has been with them for too long (seven or eight years since her divorce), her family is tired of her. When she refuses to attend the funeral of her deceased ex-husband, her brother says: "Laws can change today and tomorrow, but my principles of natural justice and human relationships, the three cardinal guides and the five constant virtues, cannot be changed!" (Chang). His words contain a set of interpersonal rules that are higher than the law, because these rules (unlike the law) are eternal. But Liusu refuses to accept his argument.

In the Bai Mansion, some things are counted in "years." Liusu's mother says: "Selling a piece of land once can provide for two years" (Chang). Thinking of her own death, her mother also says: "There is no banquet in the world that does not end; you staying with me is not a long-term solution" (Chang). For her, life is just a few decades to be endured. Later, Liusu imagines, "It was as if it were many years ago, when she was only ten years old, coming out of the theater, and getting separated from her family in a torrential downpour. She stood alone on the sidewalk, staring at people, and people stared at her, through the rain-streaked car windows, through an invisible glass cover—countless strangers. Everyone was locked in their own little world, and she couldn't break in no matter how hard she tried" (Chang). The different worlds with invisible boundaries are another theme of this novel. Here, the invisible boundary of time separates Liusu as a child from Liusu as an adult—a girl who was ignorant of the bleakness of family life in her childhood, and who is trapped in it and unable to escape in adulthood. The adult Liusu is particularly sensitive to time, as she is approaching the age of thirty and fears that her chances of remarriage will disappear. Fortunately, she has "the kind of petite body that is the least likely to show age" (Chang). Like Liusu's gradually aging body, the identity of the people in the Bai Mansion changes with age. Liusu's mother points to her daughter Baoluo and says she is "a real knot in my heart" because she is not yet married at the age of twenty-four (Chang). If one does not follow the so-called correct timeline, then children become a burden when they grow up.

There is a passage in "Love in a Fallen City" that uses the time of the Bai Mansion as a reference to explain the relationship between the Bai Mansion and time itself:

In the center, on a natural table, under a glass cover, was placed an enamel chiming clock, its mechanism long broken, stopped for many years. On either side hung a pair of vermilion couplets, flashing with golden longevity character patterns, a flower supporting a large, inky character. In the dim light, each character seemed to float in mid-air, far from the paper. Liusu felt like a character on the couplets, floating in the air, not grounded. The Bai Mansion was somewhat like a fairy's cave: a day passed here leisurely, and a thousand years had passed in the world. But a thousand years here was almost the same as a day, because every day was the same monotony and boredom. Liusu crossed her arms and hugged her own neck. Seven or eight years passed in the blink of an eye. Are you young? It doesn't matter, you'll be old in two years, youth is not rare here. They have plenty of youth—children are born one after another, new bright eyes, new rosy mouths, new wisdom. Year after year, they are worn down, their eyes become dull, people become dull, and the next generation is born. This generation is sucked into the brilliant background of vermilion and gold, and the faint gold is the timid eyes of the people of the past. (Chang)

The chiming clock that has been stopped for many years symbolizes the entire Bai Mansion. Just like a "fairy's cave," the speed of time inside is different from the outside world. Later, Liusu says this about the Bai Mansion: "It's still the same, the first time you see it, no matter how bad or dirty it is, it's your outside person, your outside things. If you grow up mixed in there, how can you tell which part is them and which part is yourself?" (Chang). The broken mechanism of the chiming clock is the so-called "natural justice," which should have created a harmonious family, but instead created the decadent Bai Mansion. The vermilion color of the couplets corresponds to the "rosy mouths" of the children born in the Bai Mansion, and the gold of the flower patterns corresponds to their eyes, but the "inky" longevity character is a metaphor for the children's bleak family situation. A longevity character becomes a kind of irony, so it floats above the paper, detached from the flower that symbolizes youth. The novel directly describes the similarity between this longevity character and Liusu, they are both "floating" and "not grounded." Detached from its original position, a Chinese character loses its meaning, just as Liusu's life loses its meaning when she discovers the decadence of her family after her divorce (Hu). Just like when watching a movie, "the face becomes oily, and the rouge and powder fade," the flow of time will reveal the truth of things (Chang).

II. Time and the Protagonists

Liusu uses terms related to time to describe herself and Liuyuan. She says Liuyuan is a "modern" person, and she herself is "just an outdated person" (Chang). This may be because, as she says later, she can't tell what is the situation of the Bai Mansion and what is her own. Liuyuan refutes her statement, but his perception of himself is also related to time. He says he is a "Sinicized foreigner," and then Liusu is a "real Chinese woman," so she "will never be outdated" (Chang). In the novel, Liuyuan mentions time that is higher than human life in some places, such as, "I will love you all my life," "I will be with you forever," "We will never be apart for the rest of our lives," and "until the end of time" (Chang). Although these belong to his "witty remarks" when flirting, so they do not necessarily represent his true feelings, they contrast with the more practical (or microscopic) concept of time in Liusu's inner narration, such as, "In one autumn, she has aged two years—she can't afford to age!" and "It is a difficult and painful thing, almost impossible, to hold onto a man for a long time without the security of marriage" (Chang). Liuyuan seems to understand this, so he says, "Basically, you think marriage is long-term prostitution" (Chang).

These two different concepts of time (macroscopic and microscopic) are expressed in two important passages, the first before the fall of Hong Kong and the second after. The day before the outbreak of the war, Liusu and Liuyuan finally decide to start dating seriously. Just the day after they kissed, Liuyuan says he is going to leave Hong Kong for England. The following narration (possibly Liusu's inner thoughts) expresses her understanding of the relationship between time and love: "The question is whether the situation will have changed when he returns. That's all up to him. Can a week of love hold his heart? But on the other hand, Liuyuan is a person who doesn't have perseverance. Such a hurried gathering and separation, he has no chance to get tired of her, which may not be a bad thing for her. A week is often more memorable than a year..." (Chang). Here, Liuyuan's character is expressed in terms of time. He is a "person who doesn't have perseverance," which means that his perception of time is different from that of a person who has "perseverance." Just like children who become troublesome with time, women who lose their chances of getting married, and rouge and powder that fade, the relationship between Liusu and Liuyuan is also something that fades with time. However, the most important thing is that "a week is often more memorable than a year," in other words, a short period of time in life can be more important than a long period. This is because human perception of time is closely related to emotions.

The above passage foreshadows a passage after the fall of Hong Kong: "In this turbulent world, money, property, and everything that lasts forever are all unreliable. The only things that are reliable are the breath in her chest and the person sleeping next to her. She suddenly climbed to Liuyuan's side, embraced him through his quilt. He reached out from under the covers and held her hand. They saw each other clearly, just a moment of complete understanding, but this moment was enough for them to live together harmoniously for ten or eight years" (Chang). All the so-called "forever" things actually have no "perseverance" because they disappear with the change of time. During the war, some places use "a moment," and other short-term words to describe the emotions contained in an instant, such as the above passage, and when the Repulse Bay Hotel was attacked. At this time, "In this moment, she only had him, and he only had her" (Chang). Before, Liuyuan's "words of the end of the world" contained this sentence: "One day, our civilization will be completely destroyed, and everything will be over—burned, bombed, collapsed" (Chang). He said that on that day, "Maybe I will have a little sincerity for you" (Chang). The so-called civilization itself is not "forever," but is actually part of the human way of life that is destroyed with time. What is important is that, according to Liuyuan's theory, only when civilization is destroyed will he have "sincerity" for his lover. This contains a human desire for sincerity in modern society, and hints at the existence of a "sincerity" that is higher than time (Liu).

III. Time and Human Perception

The structure of the novel itself reflects the contrast between the time perceived by humans and the time of the material world. The story ends shortly after the ceasefire. The two main parts of the novel are the description of Liusu's family life before she went to Hong Kong (about 10,000 characters, the whole novel is about 29,000 characters) and the process of Liusu and Liuyuan's love (about 13,500 characters). In comparison, the period of the war and the subsequent experiences (about 2,300 characters and about 3,000 characters, respectively) only account for one-fifth of the whole novel. The content and structure of the text express an important theme of the novel: human perception affects the individual's experience of time, therefore, a "short" period of time in the material world may be a "long" period in the subjective world of perception. However, the novel questions the causal relationship between time and perception, as well as the "objective time" (the so-called time in the material world) and objectivity itself.

Near the end of the novel, the narrator questions the nature of "cause and effect": "The fall of Hong Kong fulfilled her. But in this incomprehensible world, who knows what is the cause and what is the effect? Who knows, maybe it was to fulfill her that a metropolis fell" (Chang). Just like Liuyuan's theory of the end of civilization, this sentence is a question about the nature of cause and effect and the nature of knowledge. No one can know for sure that one thing is definitely the cause of another, and the latter is its effect, even in so-called clear cases. Although the novel does not say it directly, this logic can be extended to the perception of time. If humans do not understand the nature of cause and effect, how can they prove that there is time outside of themselves? How can they prove that humans feel the flow of time because time itself is flowing, and not because they feel time flowing, time begins to flow? The first line of the novel introduces a family living in a time different from that of the rest of Shanghai. On the one hand, the Bai Mansion is backward. On the other hand, the novel does not depict Shanghai outside the Bai Mansion. The first line of the novel raises the question: who knows which "time" is real? In the description of the chiming clock and the "cave," there is an extreme boundary between internal time and external time. Finally, the narrator implicitly raises the same question. It is possible that the factors of the material world determine our consciousness. But it is possible that this common sense is the opposite in some or all cases, that it is human perception itself that determines everything outside.

IV. Philosophical Awareness in Eileen Chang's Early Fiction

Literary critic C.T. Hsia once wrote that Eileen Chang "has a strong sense of history, she recognizes how the past affects the present" (495). He believes that Chang's "sense of history" is one of the most important factors in her work. However, I agree more with Liu Zaifu's point of view. He refuted Hsia's theory. Liu Zaifu believes that the "philosophical awareness" of Love in a Fallen City and other early novels is more important. Contrary to Hsia's theory, he believes that Chang's work actually transcends historical consciousness. In her works, "notions of truth and falsity, good and evil, cause and effect and right and wrong are irrelevant, just as they are in the remarkable world of Dream of the Red Chamber" (Liu). He believes that one of the reasons why Chang transcends historical consciousness is because she "wrote about things that exist throughout history, namely, eternal subjects that refuse to be monuments to their times because they transcend their specific historical period" (Liu).

A specific example in Love in a Fallen City is that the name of the war is only "war," and the novel does not say who the enemy is. (According to the record of "December 7, 1941" in the novel, the attackers were the Japanese Imperial Army of World War II). Other writers at the time would have called the war "the War of Resistance Against Japan" or something similar. However, in this novel, the details of who is fighting whom are irrelevant. What is important is philosophical questions, such as the meaning of life. Therefore, Love in a Fallen City is artistically a "legend." Near the end, there is a sentence: "The people who overturn cities and states in legends are mostly like this. There are legends everywhere, but they don't necessarily have such a perfect ending," and this novel was once collected in the collection of short stories Legends (Chang). The title has the words "overturn cities," which implies that its content is similar to a legend. Although the protagonists are ordinary people, I agree with Liu Zaifu's view: in contemporary society, ordinary people are suitable for the protagonist role of legends (Liu). The novel itself transcends time.


In the novel Love in a Fallen City, time is an important theme. Eileen Chang's early fiction has a philosophical awareness that transcends history. In other words, transcending history is transcending time. The novel raises philosophical questions about time, or expressed in terms of time. These questions are about existential issues of human experience. Assuming there are two different kinds of time, how can we prove which one is real and which one is perceptual? The novel does not provide answers, but leaves plenty of room for the reader to think.
